What We Believe -
God exists, and is the Author of life. The Author has not left us in the dark regarding what He is like or why we are here. He has revealed Himself as one God eternally existing as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Bible reveals the Author’s unfolding story of life, love, and redemption. When we human beings rebelled (sinned) and separated ourselves from the source of life, love, peace and joy, the Author wrote himself into the story by sending His Son Jesus to become a man who died for our sins, defeated death through His resurrection, and ascended into heaven, offering the pathway to eternal life.
Jesus is the only one who offers forgiveness of sins and abundant life. This salvation is a gift, received by grace through faith.
Baptism in water is for every believer, a public identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers every believer for service to God, one another, and the world.
The Author invites every person to discover their own unique story of purpose and destiny in His great story.
The current chapter of the human story will conclude when Jesus returns for His people. This ending, however, is yet another in an endless series of new beginnings. The Author’s story is eternal, and our response to His gift of salvation determines whether we spend eternity with Him, or separated from Him.